Thursday, April 9, 2009


How can I make money with my blog without investing a cent?

How can I get a FREE web host and a FREE domain name (URL)?

How can I make money with ads on my blog without any cost on my part?

How can I get the most traffic to my blog?

How can I add my Twitter tweets to my blog? and more.

Hello, if you're a newbie blogger -- new to the world of blogging -- like me. I've had 4 blogs running for almost a year now and by doing exceptional, sometimes tedious, research on the web, I've learned how to do all the above, and make money. I'm not a techie in any sense of the word. I always thought that a 'code' is what you have when your 'node' is stuffed up. But I'm grateful for what I've learned and willing to share this information with you for FREE.

I'll tackle each subject in separate posts and try to post at least weekly. Your comments will be very important to me as we can each learn from them. I've learned most of what I know from folks I call the blogging experts who have been on the web for some time. But I also find new, rewarding information from those who comment on what the 'experts' say.

My background has been eclectic: psychologist, copywriter, marketing VP, training and development, executive coach, career consultant, and motivational speaker. Now I'm a successful blogger and enjoying this newest money-making career.

Okay. Here's one of the first free strategies I learned: selecting a web host and url (your domain name) without paying a monthly fee - no cost whatsoever for the hosting and your name. Sounds almost too good to be true, doesn't it?

The best free hosts I've discoveed are Google Blogger (Blogspot) and WordPress. I use both. Blogspot seems to be easier for me when adding Adsense and Widgets (more about them later), but I use both. Check out my blogs to make your own decision. Both hosts have a number of clean-looking templates that you can choose.

(to be continued)


  1. If you want to monetie your site with Adsense, I would agree that Blogspot would be the way to go.

    I don't believe Wordpress allows you to put your own adsense code if you are using there free services.

  2. Right on, Thomas. Using Adsense on Blogspot is easy, even for me. But tho I've searched, I haven't yet found a way to use Adsense on the free version of Wordpress. That could change.
